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Salesforce Services

Salesforce Quickstart 

Implement Salesforce for your team in 1-3 weeks without burning the budget. With a predefined scope of work, the Quickstart packages help maximize your Salesforce potential in a short, efficient engagement. 

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Salesforce Implementation

Unlock the full potential of Salesforce with our implementation services. From initial setup to customization and integration, we ensure a smooth transition to a more efficient and collaborative workflow.

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Salesforce Support

Already using Salesforce? Namíru will keep your Salesforce solution stable and help it evolve in line with the changing operating models, market trends and your sales, marketing and customer service processes.

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Salesforce Health Check

Keeping your Salesforce org nice and clean, always up to date is hard. We make it a lot easier, less stressful and more fun. Our Free Salesforce Org Health Check is the first step.  

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Salesforce Solutions: CPQ

Keeping your Salesforce org nice and clean, always up to date is hard. We make it a lot easier, less stressful and more fun. Our Free Salesforce Org Health Check is the first step.  

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